rural landscape garden

project overview

This beautiful rural landscape garden is situated in a stunning location within the Otway ranges.  Due to the high rainfall, and slope of the site, water was an issue.  A paved driveway channels the water into a natural water feature has been installed, which runs under the house walkway.  Quality pool paving and decking, and a large amount of natural stone walling has been landscaped at this property.  Large stones have been located as stone features throughout to make a stunning and first class landscape.


This premium water feature in this rural landscape garden won Feature in Landscape at the Victorian Landscape Awards 2014.

Judges’ comments:

“This installation has successfully provided a link across the Landscape via a well thought through design approach that addresses both functional and aesthetic challenges. The result is a feature in the landscape that can be enjoyed from different vantage points within the home.”

 Landscape Victoria Judge, Grant Saltmarsh– Landscape Victoria Awards

key information

Design by Ocean Road Landscaping

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Registered Building Practioner
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